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Waiting list for scheduled hospital care / Data on waiting times

Are waiting lists and/or wait times for the following types of scheduled hospital care an issue in your country?

  • Inpatient/Day Case procedures
  • Outpatient appointments (i.e., specialist assessment?


Does your country publish data on waiting lists and/or wait times for scheduled hospital care? This may include total numbers currently waiting on the list and numbers waiting over certain time bands (e.g., 12 months) for

  •  Inpatient/Day Case procedures
  • Outpatient appointments


If yes, what breakdowns does your country report for waiting list data, which may include e.g.

  • Categories of waiting lists (e.g., patients waiting for an appointment date, patients who have received an appointment date and are waiting to come in)
  • Time period waiting (0-3 months, 3-6 months etc.)
  • Geographical disaggregation
  • Any other disaggregation


How are wait times measured? For example,

  • Outpatient waiting time: time from GP referral to specialist consultation
  • Inpatient waiting time: time from when the patient is added to the treatment waiting list to when they are treated
  • Referral to treatment waiting time: time from GP referral to treatment.


Does your country publish data on the level of inflows to and outflows from waiting lists (i.e., the numbers being added to and removed from waiting lists)?

What formats are the data published in (e.g., open data, PDF reports, others)?
