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The Health Information Portal has been developed through the joint efforts of PHIRI (Population Health Information Research Infrastructure) and the InfAct Joint Action (Information for Action)



PHIRI is the roll-out of the research infrastructure on population health information that aims to facilitate and generate the best available evidence for research on health and well-being of populations as impacted by COVID-19 and beyond. PHIRI allows for better coordinated European efforts across national and European stakeholders to generate the best population health knowledge. In doing so, PHIRI is laying the foundation to build a Research Infrastructure on Population Health to be used to overcome future crisis and ensure the sustainability of the project. The intent is to support research across Europe through the identification, access, assessment and reuse of population health and non-health data to underpin public health policy decisions. INFACT






The Joint Action on Health Information InfAct (Information for Action!) is a 36 months (plus extension of 3 months) project funded by the European Commission. It built on the BRIDGE Health project and other initiatives in health information. The project was launched in March 2018 and it ended in May 2022. It included 40 partners in 28 EU and associated countries.

Through country collaboration, InfAct streamlined health information activities across Europe. It laid the foundations to build a sustainable and solid infrastructure on EU health information and strengthens its core elements based on capacity building, health information tools and political support. Read more about the mission and vision here.