The National Health Data System (SNDS) will make it possible to link:
- health insurance data (SNIIRAM database);
- hospital data (PMSI database);
- the medical causes of death (base of the CépiDC of Inserm);
- disability-related data (from MDPH - CNSA data);
- a sample of data from complementary health insurance organisations.
The first two categories of data are already available and constitute the first version of the SNDS. The medical causes of death should feed the SNDS from the second half of 2017. The first data from the CNSA will arrive from 2018 and the sample of complementary organizations in 2019.
The purpose of the SNDS is to make these data available in order to promote studies, research or evaluations of a nature in the public interest and contributing to one of the following purposes:
- health information;
- the implementation of health policies;
- knowledge of health expenditure;
- informing professionals and establishments about their activities;
- innovation in the fields of health and medico-social care;
- monitoring, surveillance and health security.
Any person or structure, public or private, profit or non-profit, will be able from April 2017 to access SNDS data with the authorization of the CNIL, with a view to carrying out a study, research or evaluation in the public interest.