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Within PHIRI, the Population Health Information Research Infrastructure, a Rapid Exchange Forum (REF) is organized regularly every two weeks or as needed, addressing urgent questions and current developments in population health during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. In this one hour meeting, the participants belonging to European public health institutes, Ministries of Health, research institutions and universities as well as EU-level stakeholders answer questions and discuss experiences from their own countries related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other population health issues that require rapid responses. Each meeting is organized around a topic or set of topics of timely relevance to the participating countries, and answers to the questions are shared during the meeting as well as in writing immediately before or after the meetings. This allows a rapid exchange of information across countries to learn from each other’s challenges and best practices, and compare e.g. vaccination-, testing-, and communication strategies, reactions to new virus variants, mortality indicators, long-term pandemic monitoring and surveillance, and impact evaluations of the pandemic. The answers to questions discussed during the REF meetings are uploaded to the Health Information Portal at the latest by the end of the week in which each meeting takes place.

Please use the search function below to browse the content of previous REF meetings. In order to search for an exact phrase, you can utilize quotation marks around your search term.

Title Question Date Document(s)
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/rapid-exchange-forum-ad-hoc-question-ireland-national-reviewsinquiries-covid" hreflang="en">Rapid Exchange Forum ad-hoc question (Ireland): National reviews/inquiries of the Covid-19 response</a> <p><strong><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span><span>National Reviews/Inquiries of the COVID-19 Response</span></span></span></span></span></strong></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">Has a Review of the Response to Covid-19 been undertaken or is currently underway in your country? If so, please provide the title of the Review. </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">What areas / topics are covered by the Review? </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">How is the Review structured / undertaken? </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">What type of Review was undertaken and what type of organisation undertook the Review? </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">Are the Terms of Reference for the Review publicly available? If so, please provide a link to the Terms of Reference. </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>Was the Review made publicly available? If so, please provide a link to the publication</span></span></span></span></li> </ul> 16-Jun-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=134042" target="_blank">REF_ad-hoc_question_National_reviews.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/53rd-rapid-exchange-forum-national-action-plan-postviral-postinfectious" hreflang="en">53rd Rapid Exchange Forum: National action plan on postviral / postinfectious syndromes</a> <p><strong><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>National action plan on postviral / postinfectious syndromes</span></span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">Does your country have a national action plan or similar strategic policy papers regarding postviral / postinfectious syndromes (in general or associated with specific pathogens, e.g. Long COVID)? We are interested in documents that cover aspects such as care pathways, healthcare planning and financing, data collection and registries, research, awareness raising and others. </span></span></span></span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>Please provide links to the relevant documents or websites?</span></span></span></span></p> 05-Jun-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=183966" target="_blank">53_REF_minutes_questions_20230605.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=682535" target="_blank">53_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/52nd-rapid-exchange-forum-special-euphw-edition-covid-29-impact-populations" hreflang="en">52nd Rapid Exchange Forum Special EUPHW Edition: Covid-29 impact on population&#039;s mental health</a> <p><strong><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>Covid-19 impact on population´s mental health</span></span></span></span></strong></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>How does your country measure the pandemic´s effect on the populationâs mental health?</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Which tools or monitoring (systems) does your country use to obtain information on the mental health of the population? </span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Which subgroups are most affected in your country?</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>What implementation measures have been/are being taken to respond to the impact of the pandemic?</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>How does your country deal with suicidality in the wake of the pandemic? Is there any special support since the pandemic?</span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> 22-May-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=374586" target="_blank">52_REF_minutes_questions_update_20230605.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=628719" target="_blank">52_REF_T8.5_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=1056052" target="_blank">52_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/rapid-exchange-forum-ad-hoc-question-belgium-covid-19-management-tool" hreflang="en">Rapid Exchange Forum ad-hoc question (Belgium): Covid-19 management tool</a> <p><strong>Covid-19 management tool</strong></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">Did your country used, during the COVID-19 pandemic, a specific tool to determine the level of severity of the pandemic, at national level (e.g., level 1, level 2, level3)? </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"> </span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">If yes,</span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">was this tool linked to public health measures (e.g. different testing, isolation, quarantine, mask wearing, â¦, measures depending on the level) ? </span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">what were the different indicators included in that tool? </span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">is this tool still applicable today? Why? </span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> 10-May-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=272124" target="_blank">PHIRI_ad-hoc_question_management_tool.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/51st-rapid-exchange-forum-health-crisis-procedures-and-exercises" hreflang="en">51st Rapid Exchange Forum: Health crisis procedures and exercises</a> <p><strong><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>Health crisis procedures and exercises</span></span></span></span></strong></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">We are interested to learn more about your organisation´s different roles in case of a health crisis emergency (for example an infectious disease outbreak).  If your organisation is involved in management of a public health crisis, what are your duties?</span></span></span></span></li> <li><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>Did your organisation ever simulate these emergencies for an (internal or joint) exercise? If yes, what are your experiences with this health crisis simulation and are you willing to share some documents?  A wide range of crisis exercise scenarios is welcome: accidents with chemical or biological agents, infectious disease outbreaks,..</span></span></span></span></li> </ul> 08-May-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=1656879" target="_blank">51_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=141489" target="_blank">51_REF_minutes_questions_update_20230605.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/50th-rapid-exchange-forum-treatment-long-covid-patients" hreflang="en">50th Rapid Exchange Forum: Treatment of long Covid patients</a> <p><strong>Treatment of long Covid patients</strong></p> <p><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">In order to keep up with this topic, we would kindly ask for a follow-up to REF 14 (07/06/21):</span></p> <ul> <li><span>How does your country </span><span>organise</span><span> the physical and psychological treatment of long COVID patients, especially </span><span>with regard to</span><span> Mental Health? </span></li> <li><span>Are there specialized clinics/departments/</span><span>centres</span><span> in place or are specialized clinics/departments/</span><span>centres</span><span> currently being developed?</span></li> </ul> <p><span>       If so, please provide details, such as: </span></p> <p><span><span>       - </span></span><span>Which professional groups (specialists, nurses, psychologists, â¦) and disciplines are involved?</span></p> <p><span><span>       - </span></span><span>How can individuals access the clinics (walk-in, referral â¦)?</span></p> <p><span><span>       - </span></span><span>Are the clinics stand-alone entities or part of larger institutions such as hospitals or primary care </span><span>centres</span><span>?</span></p> <ul> <li><span>Are there specific pathways in the treatment of children and youths established?</span></li> </ul> <p><span>       If so, please provide details, such as:</span></p> <p><span><span>      - </span></span><span>Is there a publicly funded facility for parents to obtain publicly funded long </span><span>Covid</span><span> consultations with </span><span>specialised</span><span> physicians?</span></p> <p><span><span>      - </span></span><span>Have any day care </span><span>centres</span><span> been set up for children affected by long </span><span>Covid</span><span>? </span></p> <ul> <li><span>Is there any available data on waiting times or information on bridging measures during the waiting period for a specialized </span><span>programme</span><span>?</span></li> <li><span>Is there any legal protection or special support for employees (not to get terminated or pressured, </span><span>e.g.</span><span> helpline) in the process of diagnosis-finding?</span></li> </ul> 24-Apr-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=315666" target="_blank">50_REF_minutes_questions_20230424.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=937197" target="_blank">50_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/49th-rapid-exchange-forum-vision-resilience-indicators" hreflang="en">49th Rapid Exchange Forum: Vision on resilience indicators</a> <p><strong>Vision on resilience indicators</strong></p> <ul> <li>As COVID-19 measures has been lifted or relaxed around Europe, which COVID-19 indicators, if any, are foreseen to be measured long-term in your country, and are there any thresholds defined that would trigger reintroduction of measures or emergency action?</li> <li>Have analyses been performed in your country regarding population adherence to NPIs (e.g. via mobility data, surveys), and/or has there been a weighted analysis of effectiveness and economic viability of measures on another basis?</li> <li>Have strategies/tools/mechanisms for measuring or evaluating the improvement of health system resilience been set up or are there plans to do so?</li> </ul> 27-Mar-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=181321" target="_blank">49_REF_minutes_questions_20230327.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=1559786" target="_blank">49_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/48th-rapid-exchange-forum-analysis-telemedicine-andor-artificial-intelligence" hreflang="en">48th Rapid Exchange Forum: Analysis of telemedicine and/or artificial intelligence </a> <p><strong><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">Analysis of telemedicine and/or artificial intelligence<span>  </span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Is there an analysis of the use of telemedicine and/or artificial intelligence in your countries' inpatient sector (published or ongoing)??</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>If yes,</span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Who has carried out/is carrying out this analysis? Which authority (or other partner) is or has been commissioned to carry out such an analysis? </span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>What conceptual framework do you use for the definition of telemedicine and/or artificial intelligence (e.g. functions like storage and forwarding/monitoring/interaction for telemedicine; prediction/diagnosis/treatment for AI))</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>What were the methods used (literature search, web search, expert interviews, etc.)?</span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>If no, are there plans to carry out such a study?</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>Has there been an increase in the use or implementation of telemedicine and/or articifals intellegence since the beginning of the pandemic? If yes, please give examples.</span></span></span></span></p> 27-Feb-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=740229" target="_blank">48_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=183401" target="_blank">48_REF_minutes__questions_update_20230322.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/47th-rapid-exchange-forum-waiting-list-scheduled-hospital-care-data-waiting" hreflang="en">47th Rapid Exchange Forum: Waiting list for scheduled hospital care / Data on waiting times</a> <p><strong>Waiting list for scheduled hospital care / Data on waiting times</strong></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Are waiting lists and/or wait times for the following types of scheduled hospital care an issue in your country?</span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Inpatient/Day Case procedures</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Outpatient appointments (i.e., specialist assessment?</span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Does your country publish data on waiting lists and/or wait times for scheduled hospital care? This may include total numbers currently waiting on the list and numbers waiting over certain time bands (e.g., 12 months) for </span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span> Inpatient/Day Case procedures</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Outpatient appointments</span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>If yes, what breakdowns does your country report for waiting list data, which may include e.g.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Categories of waiting lists (e.g., patients waiting for an appointment date, patients who have received an appointment date and are waiting to come in)</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Time period waiting (0-3 months, 3-6 months etc.)</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Geographical disaggregation</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Any other disaggregation</span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>How are wait times measured? For example,</span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Outpatient waiting time: time from GP referral to specialist consultation</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Inpatient waiting time: time from when the patient is added to the treatment waiting list to when they are treated</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Referral to treatment waiting time: time from GP referral to treatment.</span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Does your country publish data on the level of inflows to and outflows from waiting lists (i.e., the numbers being added to and removed from waiting lists)?</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>What formats are the data published in (e.g., open data, PDF reports, others)?</span></span></span></span></p> 13-Feb-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <span class="file file--mime-application-vnd-openxmlformats-officedocument-presentationml-presentation file--x-office-presentation"><a href="" type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation; length=1172049" target="_blank">47_REF_T8.4_presentation.pptx</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=313322" target="_blank">47_REF_minutes_20230213_Update_20230303.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->
<a href="/rapid-exchange-forum/46th-rapid-exchange-forum-diagnosis-coding" hreflang="en">46th Rapid Exchange Forum: Diagnosis Coding</a> <p><strong>Diagnosis Coding</strong></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">Are the health care providers (hospitals and publicly/privately funded outpatient care centres) in your country obliged to use a coding system for diagnoses?</span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">If yes, </span></span></span></span></p> <ul> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Did the implementation predate COVID-19, or has it only been implemented since then?</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span>Please describe the coding system in place (e. g, ICD, ICPC, SNOMED, CT, other or combinations).</span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>Please describe the usage of the data (whoâs the data holder, COVID analyses, analyses in general, scientific studies regarding COVID...).</span></span></span></span></li> </ul> 30-Jan-2023 <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'item_list' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' --> <ul><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=187729" target="_blank">46_REF_minutes_questions_20230130.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=466328" target="_blank">46_REF_T8.4_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li><li> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'document_link' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> <i class="far fa-file-pdf red"></i> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=2073084" target="_blank">46_REF_T8.5_presentation.pdf</a></span> <style> { color: green; } { color: red; } { color: blue; } </style> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/custom/document_format/templates/document-link.html.twig' --> </li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/system/templates/item-list.html.twig' -->